Sunday, September 22, 2013

Paradise Revisited -- Urban Hike in Final Form

My penultimate weekend here coincided with the long Korean thanksgiving holiday, and I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit paradise in Suncheon.  I originally wrote about this lovely place in the city on this blog last May that can be seen here.

The construction of this park has been completed and the foliage planted during the project has firmly taken root.  As read in my previous article, the trail was a bit treacherous due to the construction; however, the trail is now unhindered and safe to walk.  The old ajumma trails that would make a mountain goat feel at home have been completely eliminated and replaced by wide boardwalks or concrete pathways.

Waterfall Flows into the Pond
© Mark Eaton

The pond shown above is fed by the runoff water that flows from the large earthen dam that abuts the park.  I was very surprised to see that this park project also included work on and near the dam itself, too.

Boardwalk at the Earthen Dam
© Mark Eaton

At this time, the trail and park discussed here does not connect with the trail pictured above.  Except -- some enterprising soul has tied a series of ropes at the spillway to allow the brave to traverse down into the spillway itself.  Some careful stepping and a small climb up finds the intrepid on the new trail above the park.

The Intrepid Way
© Mark Eaton

As seen here and in my previous post about paradise in Suncheon, the view from atop the dam is nice, though the sky during this trek was very hazy.

 The Park from atop the Earthen Dam
© Mark Eaton

I was the only person in this area.  Ah, it was paradise.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Time for 추석

즐거운 추석 보내세요.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Four Venues in South Korea During the 2013 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk

Saturday, 5 October 2013, is the date for the 2013 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk.

Last year there were three separate photo walks in South Korea; however, at the time of this posting there are four walks scheduled for this year.  Two new comers to this international event will be hosting walks in Seoul,  while two returning veterans will again host their walks in different cities in the southern part of the country.

There is still plenty of time to join the walks, but a photographer must register to participate and to receive the perks and prizes offered this year.  Here is a list of the walk leaders and their locations:

1)  Zelri Coetzee is new to the Scott Kelby photo walk scene in Korea.  She will be leading her walk in Seoul.  To contact Zelri and to register for her walk, visit the photo walk site here.

2)  Another new comer is Matthew Theron, and he also will be leading a walk in Seoul.  To register for his walk, click on the link here.

3)  As he did in 2012, Joe Wabe will be leading a walk in Gwangju in Jeollanam-do.  Sign up for his event here.

4)  Also returning to lead a walk is Jason Teale.  His event will be held in Ulsan.  Walk with Jason by registering here.

Good luck to the walk leaders and to the participants!

Edit:  Joe Wabe has published the first issue of PIK (Photographers in Korea).  He was kind enough to include the above article about the photo walk on the opening pages of this wonderful magazine.  Take a look at PIK here.

Monday, September 2, 2013

한복을 위한 사진모델을 찾습니다

전에 나는 마틴 톰슨 의 / Martyn Thompson 창작에 관한 글을 썼습니다.  이제 그는 한국의 문화를 알리는 큰일을 하기 위해 적합한 사진모델을 필요로 합니다.

 © Martyn Thompson

작업에 대한 컨셉을 읽어주세요:

As foreigners, the expectations that native Koreans hold regarding our cultural knowledge and linguistic abilities are minimal at best.

한국인이 외국인에게 기대하는 자문화에 대한 이해, 언어 능력은 그다지 높지 않다.

Uttering the words for ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’ are often greeted with awkward laughter, which becomes as repetitive as being asked if you can eat spicy food.

'안녕하세요?', '감사합니다'와 같은 말을 할 때면 종종 ' 매운 음식도 먹을 수 있느냐'의 류와 같은 기특함 섞인 환대의 대답을 건내온다.

A slight nod of the head here or a hand gesture there, receiving something with two hands, or holding back your sleeve to pour an elder a drink, the cultural differences become more noticeable with time spent observing. The subtleties are highlighted, or become apparent through witnessing others.

가벼운 목례나 손짓, 두 손으로 받는 것, 그리고 어른 앞에서 술잔을 돌려 마시는 것 등의 미묘한 문화적 의미는 시간이 흐르며 터득되어 갔다. 그리고 사람들과의 부딪힘에서 더욱 더 명료해질 수 있었다.

Small differences like whether the left or right hand is atop the other for a bow, or how far away the supporting hand is from the pouring hand, meant a lot to past generations of Koreans.

절 할 때 보이는 손 모양과 위치, 왼손과 오른손의 구별이 보여주는 각 각의 차별적 의미는 오랜 세대를 거쳐 온 한국의 예법을 의미한다.

© Martyn Thompson

But now younger generations of Koreans are prone to the same cultural obliviousness as many foreigners. In a culture that is hurtling away from its traditional past, Korea attempts to grasp hold of the few cultural practices it still adheres to.

그러나 외국인의 눈으로 본 오늘날의 젊은 한국인 세대는 이와 같은 문화적 전통을 잃어가는 듯하다. 이러한 과거와의 문화적 단절에도 불구하고, 한국인은 실천을 통해 몇 몇 전통 문화를 여전히 유지하고 있다.


Actions are gradually learned: they’re sometimes taught, sometimes figured out subconsciously, or sometimes acquired through repeated practice. This series draws attention to these intricacies by replicating the Korean bow, displaying a sequence of superimposed images, mapping each model’s actions, from standing to fully bowing.

몸짓은 단계적으로 익히게 된다. 가르침을 받거나 무의석적으로 알아채기도 한다. 그리고 반복적 연습을 통해 배우기도 한다. 본 기획의 연작물은 한국의 절을 반복적 과정 안에서 완성시키고자(배우고자) 의도했다. 이에 따라, 절의 전체 과정에서 보여지는 부분적 이미지를 중첩시켰고, 이러한 반복의 연속성을 바탕으로 행위 전체를 조망했다. 

사진찍는 과정은 이달에 시작해서 2014년 1월에 마칠것입니다.  추가로 모델께서는 완성된 액자를 받을것이며 또한 컴퓨터에서 다운로드 받을수 있을것입니다.

자세한 사항은 Martyn 에게 물어보세요:


Phone:  010-9891-3231

Facebook:  Martyn Thompson 

Website:  Martyn Thompson

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